Chemistry World

Thursday, May 6, 2010

0 Fill up your forms in the web automatically

This feature enables you to fill out web forms with one click or a keyboard shortcut.
There is no problem weather you use Firefox or Internet Explorer.
Generally we need to fill up our form in the web manually, for various reasons, such as opening an email account. Different signing up form has some common question such as name, address, user name, password, phone number etc. and every time when we fill up forms we have to write these every time. But this post is going to tell how you can do easily, rather than writing individually. Its very simple, follows the steps…
  • Download the exact add-ons, for Firefox CLICK HERE and for Internet Explorer CLICK HERE and install it.
  • Click the wrench icon on the right side of your Toolbar. Alternatively, click the down arrow next to the AutoFill button and select Add/Edit Profiles….
  • In the 'Toolbar Options' window, click the AutoFill tab….
  • Select the checkbox next to AutoFill if it isn't checked already….
  • To create a new profile, click the Add new profile link. Or click the Edit link next to the profile you'd like to edit….
  • Edit your information as necessary….
  • Click the Save button.
  • Now you check it by signing up anywhere…you will see some boxes will be colored.
  • Now press the auto fill up icon in the window. You will see the boxes (which was colored is now filled up)

I think you love this one... So, you don’t need to waste time by filling up forms…


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