Chemistry World

Saturday, May 15, 2010

0 Fix up flickering problem with your old monitor

Many times there are such cases when you are using a old monitor which gives a lot of flickering and it goes into the rolling state every now and then so, it is very difficult for anyone to work with such condition of monitor.
To find the solution lets take a look on the main reasons behind this monitor flickering problem.

Why does a monitor may flicker ?
A monitor may flicker and goes into rolling state due to dust, overheating after a long continuous usage, loose circuitry or due to some electromagnetic interference with other electrical equipments like tv , UPS, large speaker systems etc.

Take appropriate precautions for these types of problems with your monitor. Keep it dust free and ensure proper heat dissipation. Keep your speakers, TV and speaker system etc. at a distance from the monitor.
If you don’t think any above possible reasons for the rolling or flickering state of your monitor then we recommend you to get your monitor checked by the monitor company at their respective service center

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